May 19 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Heroic Cooperation with the Spirit

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Homily #130519b ( 10min) Play - On the Solemnity of Pentecost Fr. Joachim preaches on the meaning of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and how he dwells within all who are in a state of grace. As such, we must cooperate with him and in today's world this requires no small degree of heroism.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Pentecost Sunday - Solemnity - Form: OF
1st: act 2:1-11
Resp: psa 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34
2nd: 1co 12:3-7, 12-13
Gsp: joh 20:19-23

Audio (MP3)

