Video – 2 Pillars #13: Divine Bridegroom, My Heart

By May 2, 2013Two Pillars

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2 Pillars #13 ( 06min) Play - The Eucharist as the Divine Bridegroom and then Day 1: My Heart, a Flower that Mary must Cultivate.

In this month of Mary, May, we will interrupt our readings from the Imitation of Mary and do the Marian reflections from "A Month with Mary" by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo.

Meditations read in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament for our Daily Holy Hour at our Bloomington, Indiana friary from the two books: "Real Presence" by St Peter Julian Eymard and ...

"A Month with Mary" by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo:

Day #1:

MARY: O my daughter, your mother is always ready to cultivate you provided that you treat me as a mother and not as a stranger. How many times you?ve been afraid of me, even while knowing that I am all loving! How many times have you virtually fled from me, so slack has your devotion been. Come to my heart and let it be a school of virtue for you since God himself has made me great for your good. Follow me faithfully, even if your soul feels arid and without any fervor. Confide your pains to me. Turn toward me because in this month I have so many treasures of grace to dispense and I give them to those who turn to my motherly heart with trust.

THE SOUL: O my good Mama, don?t you see what an ugly flower I am? I?m a withered flower, almost without
leaves and without life. … Help me! I entrust my soul to you that you might cultivate it and heal it. …

The bells of your temple are ringing for the feast, Mary, yet I groan with sluggishness. Your throne is rich with flowers, and my heart, which ought to be your throne, is so poor and devoid of everything!

O my Mother, while the plaintive harmony of these bells dissipates in the air, the groan of my poor heart reaches your Heart and moves it to have pity on me! I need grace because I am so miserable: ?Maria mater grati?, mater misericordi? tu nos ab hoste protege et mortis hora suscipe? (Mary mother of grace, mother of mercy, protect us from the evil one and receive us at the hour of death).

ASPIRATION: O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

LITTLE WORK: Accept with patience and calm the rudeness which comes your way.

Ave Maria!

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