Apr 13 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: St. Hermenegild, Model for Us All

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Homily #130413 ( 06min) Play -

St. Hermenegild was born into a heretical family, but when he renounces his heretical beliefs and professed the Catholic faith he was thrown into a dungeon by his father. Here he added his own penances to the harshness of prison. He shows us that to be Christian means to be rigid, strict, severe, and austere with ourselves; otherwise, we will become comfortable and live no differently than those without faith.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Hermenegild, Martyr - 3rd Cl - Form: EF, Protexisti
1st: wis 5:1-5
Gsp: luk 14:26-33

Audio (MP3)

