Apr 10 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Overcoming the Weight of the World

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Homily #130410 ( 04min) Play -

In today's Epistle, St John tell us that a living, working faith in Jesus Christ overcomes the world. Father call us to compare two images. The first is the statue in front of the Rockefeller Center of Hercules holding the world on his shoulders. The second is St. Francis embracing the crucified Christ with the world under his feet. Without Jesus, we are crushed with the weight of the world, but with Jesus we can overcome the world which wars against our souls.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Low Sunday - Ferial - Form: EF, Quasi Modo
1st: 1jo 5:4-10
Gsp: joh 20:19-31

Audio (MP3)

