Apr 07 – Homily – Fr Elias: Porta Fidei and Porta Misericordia

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Homily #130407b ( 30min) Play - On Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Elias makes the connection between the Mercy of God and assent to the truth of the Catholic Faith and all its moral teachings. The Door of Faith (Porta Fidei of Benedict XVI) is the Door of Mercy (Porta Misericordia). It is our faith that renders the sacraments effective, including Baptism and Penance. The latter being given a special indulgence for this day of Divine Mercy. He draws heavily on the Catechism on Faith 1814-1816 which has its fruit in Mercy CCC 1829.

Ave Maria!
Mass: Divine Mercy Sunday - Solemnity - Form: OF
1st: act 5:12-16
Resp: psa 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
2nd: rev 1:9-11, 12-13, 17-19
Gsp: joh 20:19-31

Audio (MP3)

