Homily #130304b ( 13min) Play - Fr. Elias on the curing of Naaman and how it has many of the necessaryelements for the reception of the graces of faith and healing, namely charity and humility, both of which are also graces. This points to how the gentiles are included in the blessings that Israel had received, who were rigidly holding onto them in an exclusive way that lacked humility. This was dramatically demonstrated in today's Gospel in Jesus' own home town, Nazareth, where they try to through him from the precipice.
I appreciate your teaching today, Father, but I am also reminded that in these times of such worldliness and rampant infidelity to the Way, the Truth, and the Life, oftentimes found within the Church itself (i.e. certain priests, or religious, or laity who teach falsely), a person who is seeking to live with humility and faith in Jesus Christ who also finds him or herself in a position where healing is needed and good counsel would be beneficial, this person needs to be quite careful that he is not receiving the “counsel of the ungodly”, “from one who stands in the way of sinners, or sits in the chair of pestilence,” as we have read in the 1st Psalm.
There are simply, these days, far too many heretical, rather forceful, and proud, worldly teachings being given to those who need the exact opposite. It can be difficult at times, in certain areas, to be able to discern a false teacher – a wolf in sheep’s clothing – from the true counsel of one who in humility and faith wishes to lead us deeper into relationship with Christ Jesus and our Holy Mother Mary.
Satan is very busy, I think, in this society, giving power to false prophets and increasing their heretical pride and influence. We live here and now in times that are extremely deceptive and dangerous. Perhaps there have been other times, as well, that have been so very deceptive, but one thing for certain, there is indeed a great deal of deception and false heretical ideas and teachings being promulgated in our world today. Both from the secular world as well as, unfortunately at times, from those within the Church who have grabbed on to the secular humanist line of twisted reasoning.
Thank you Father Elias, for your faithful and obedient service to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you will, please pray for me and my family. There has been a great deal of deception and false counsel surrounding our troubled situation, most of it very worldly and dressed up to have the appearance of holiness and justice. It is a great danger to our souls, and I am particularly concerned for the souls of our children. Thank you Father, and everyone at AirMaria.
I appreciate your teaching today, Father, but I am also reminded that in these times of such worldliness and rampant infidelity to the Way, the Truth, and the Life, oftentimes found within the Church itself (i.e. certain priests, or religious, or laity who teach falsely), a person who is seeking to live with humility and faith in Jesus Christ who also finds him or herself in a position where healing is needed and good counsel would be beneficial, this person needs to be quite careful that he is not receiving the “counsel of the ungodly”, “from one who stands in the way of sinners, or sits in the chair of pestilence,” as we have read in the 1st Psalm.
There are simply, these days, far too many heretical, rather forceful, and proud, worldly teachings being given to those who need the exact opposite. It can be difficult at times, in certain areas, to be able to discern a false teacher – a wolf in sheep’s clothing – from the true counsel of one who in humility and faith wishes to lead us deeper into relationship with Christ Jesus and our Holy Mother Mary.
Satan is very busy, I think, in this society, giving power to false prophets and increasing their heretical pride and influence. We live here and now in times that are extremely deceptive and dangerous. Perhaps there have been other times, as well, that have been so very deceptive, but one thing for certain, there is indeed a great deal of deception and false heretical ideas and teachings being promulgated in our world today. Both from the secular world as well as, unfortunately at times, from those within the Church who have grabbed on to the secular humanist line of twisted reasoning.
Thank you Father Elias, for your faithful and obedient service to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you will, please pray for me and my family. There has been a great deal of deception and false counsel surrounding our troubled situation, most of it very worldly and dressed up to have the appearance of holiness and justice. It is a great danger to our souls, and I am particularly concerned for the souls of our children. Thank you Father, and everyone at AirMaria.