Feb 27 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Don’t be Discouraged by Your Faults

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Homily #130227 ( 05min) Play -

Fr. Ignatius encourages us to never be discouraged when we see our failings, for today's Gospel shows that even after several years of being with Our Lord, the apostles were still more interested in power and prestige than service and suffering for the Gospel. Also, today's saint, St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, was so vain and attached to the pleasures of life that his decision to enter the Passionists was met with incredulity. But, in a few short years, by faithful observance of his duties, he became a great Saint.Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday of the Second Week in Lent - Ferial - Form: EF, Ne Derelinquas Me
Commemoration of St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

1st: est 13:8,15-17
Gsp: mat 20:17-28

Audio (MP3)

