Feb 17 – Homily – Fr Elias: Dealing with Temptation

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Homily #130217b ( 17min) Play - Fr. Elias preaches on how to deal with temptation and the Devil. Temptation comes from concupiscence which is based on the flesh, the world and Devil. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden failed in the face of temptation, while Jesus, fasting in the desert for forty days, conquered the temptations of the Devil. Lent makes present in our lives this same victorious strategy in our life-long battle.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sunday 1st Week of Lent - Sunday - Form: OF
1st: deu 26:4-10
Resp: psa 91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15
2nd: rom 10:8-13
Gsp: luk 4:1-13

Audio (MP3)

