Feb 15 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: That Fasting Which is in Vain

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Homily #130215 ( 05min) Play -

Fr. Ignatius preaches over today's lesson and points out that if we approach Lenten penance without interior conversion and in a self-willed manner then our fasting is in vain. Instead, let us accompany our fasting with interior conversion and works of justice, for then our prayers shall be heard and we will reap the rewards of this season.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Friday after Ash Wednesday - Ferial - Form: EF, Audivit Dominus

Commemoration of Sts. Faustinus and Jovita 


1st: isa 58:1-9

Gsp: mat 5:43-48, 6:1-4

Audio (MP3)

