Feb 14 – Homily – Fr George: The Faith of the Centurion

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Homily #130214 ( 11min) Play -

Fr. George preaches on the faith of the Centurion and warns us how easy it is to sin against faith and lose it altogether. If you reject one teaching of the Catholic Church, you lose the grace of faith altogether  The Gospel warns that those who lose faith will be "cast into the outer darkness" where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth", that is, those who fall away from the Catholic Faith will go to Hell. We must pray this Lent for our perseverance and increase in faith, and for all the fallen-away Catholic who have lost their faith. After all, if we don't, who will?

Ave Maria!
Mass: Thursday after Ash Wednesday - Ferial - Form: EF, Dum Clamarem
1st: isa 38:1-6
Gsp: mat 8:5-13

Audio (MP3)

