Video – Roving Reporter #132: Our First Time to The March For Life

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Ave Maria!

This is the first time Alexis and Andre have attended the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., they traveled by van from Indiana.

Ave Maria!

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  • Alex Benedictus says:

    The March of Life deserves all praises. It is a great testimony of the holiness of life. It’s very good knowing that the youngs are taking part in that march. Congratulations to these young brethren.

    Here in Brazil there isn’t yet a March of Life. It would be great that could be hold one too.

  • Alex Benedictus says:

    Some minutes ago I was reading a reporting about the participation of the youngs in The March of Life. The headline say

    The Faith of young Catholics astonishes (surprises) American newspapers (Fé de jovens católicos surpreende jornais americanos).

    Later I’m going to translate this article to you all.

  • Alex Benedictus says:

    Dear Friars, earlier I read a reporting about the participation of the youngs in The March of Life. I thought it very interesting, so that I would like to share it with you all.

    That’s a translation of Fé de jovens católicos surpreende jornais americanos published in the official website of Fr. Paulo Ricardo de Azevedo.

    Young Catholic’s Faith surprises American Newspapers

    The American press had to yield. Before the resounding demonstration of faith and civility of thousands of young people who participated in the recent “March for Life” – considered the largest in U.S. history – the newspapers of the country have no alternative but to recognize the rise of the Catholic Church in the middle of youth. A hard stroke at the leftist and anti-Christian establishment who worked for years for perverting the critical sense of the younger generations and now is forced to watch the disastrous collapse of its claims.

    The confirmation comes via an article by Professor of Political Science University of Michigan, Michael J. New, published in the electronic version of the magazine National Review. Commenting on the media coverage given to the March for Life, the teacher describes the concern of the abortion movement in relation to the lack of young people interested in the subject. “With few exceptions, the mainstream media seems to be very pessimistic about the pro-choice movement,” said New.

    Despite the joy of abortionists because of the election of Obama, Michael New says that it was not enough to stop the negativity about the issue of abortion. Mentioning articles published by the newspaper The New York Times and The Washington Post, the political scientist points out that even the famous feminist Nancy Keenan vented recently, his fears about the future of the pro-abortion groups.
    In the same vein, the publisher’s site, Ashley McGuire, made interesting statements about the growth of Catholic youth, in an article published in recognized leftist newspaper, The Washington Post. Surprised at the amount of young people present at some Masses that she had attended as well in lectures by notable conservatives, McGuire explained that the accession of these new young people to the Catholic faith is not simply a vogue, but rather a ‘Great Awakening Catholic’, “is the rebirth of Catholic orthodoxy among young Catholics. ”

    McGuire, 26, is a young writer who converted to Catholicism five years ago. Since then, she has worked intensely through his blog, – a conservative website dedicated especially to women – whose purpose is make more attractive doctrine of the Church about “responsible parenthood.” McGuire says her passion for the Catholic Church became greater when she finally realized that Catholic teachings were the only really solid and ancient bases. “Some Catholics, like myself, we are converted from Protestantism, realizing that the only institution in the world that has remained steady over the millennia in the more important matters of the day was the Catholic Church,” said McGuire.

    McGuire attributes this Catholic awakening among the youth due of the suffocation of the previous generations by liberal and promiscuous theses. “We were born in a world where millions of babies were aborted each year where countless other children who were not born are frozen in laboratories for experiments, where it says that gender is an option and that marriage is amorphous and soluble. We have inherited the hell on earth. And we thought it was great. “, said the young woman, who is also part of the Catholic Association in the United States.

    McGuire points out in his article that the new generation of young Catholics is also extremely solicitous/willing and open to the guidance of Pope Benedict XVI. Moreover, the new seminarians and religious are increasingly interested in traditional practices of the Catholic faith while vocations to conservatives/traditional institutes have never grown so much as now, while notable progressives convents are languishing. “We want less hype and more Panis Angelicus,” says the young woman. About the youth who attended the March for Life, Macguire notes that large their message was: “Take note. We are the future. And we’re on fire for Jesus Christ and his Church.”

    Testimonies like that of Ashley McGuire, the March for Life held in the United States and many other youth movements of the Church, especially the World Youth Day, give us a breath of hope and courage as the next generations. And show that, even with opposite movements, the Catholic Church has lived and future. Also, is willing to answer the called of Jesus Christ, who came “to put the world on fire” (Lk 12, 49). The writer G.K. Chesterton said that “only Catholic orthodoxy makes a man happy: it’s like the walls placed around a cliff where you can play a lot of kids.” Young people finally began to discover these walls.


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