Ave Maria Meditations
He (Christ) is the perfect love and He sees His own reflection in us. He loves us not simply because of our weak and foolish selves, but because of the reflection of Himself within us because He is love…There may be some who find it difficult to believe in the Eucharistic presence of Christ. Don’t try to believe, just let yourself love and be loved by the Eucharistic Christ!
When you receive Him in Holy Communion don’t ponder theological questions. Say, “This is my love. I have received my love, my love has received me”…Without love there can be no joy. One could truly define the absence of joy as an absence of love, a failure to love…(when I felt I had lost my faith) the Love saved, the Love purified, but I had to let it become active again within me. I had to let it flood through me. I had to remember that the Eucharistic Christ is not simply the presence of Christ, but the presence of Christ who is love. And, oh how I prayed through Mary, how I prayed through Mary: Mary, the womb of the Eucharistic Christ. Mary, the womb of love!
+John Cardinal O’Connor