Jan 25 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Paul’s Dramatic Conversion
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Homily #130125b ( 13min) Play - Fr. Joachim on St. Paul and his dramatic conversion and the nature of such conversion and how to bring them about in others and in our selves, beginning with a personal encounter with Christ. This leads to a recognizing of our own sinfulness and a real desire to repent. He relates in particular to the needed steps in the less dramatic but equally miraculous conversion of the of the average cradle Catholic:
- Good Catechisis and Fervent reception of the Sacraments to fight against sacrilegious reception and loss of faith.
- Zeal to fight against Mediocrity
- Detachment from worldly things.
- Charity for others which leads to Love of God and vice versa.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Conversion of St. Paul - Feast - Form: OF
1st: act 22:3-16
Resp: psa 117:1, 2
Gsp: mar 16:15-18
Audio (MP3)