Jan 14 – Homily – Fr Elias: China Missionary

By January 14, 2013March 2nd, 2019Bloomington, IN, Fr. Elias Mills, Homily

Views 1315

Homily #130114b ( 11min) Play - Fr. Elias on the life of Bl. Odoric of Pordenone who was an early Franciscan missionary taking the faith to China.
Today the faith is still growing in that great land despite oppression from the government.
Ave Maria!

Mass: Bl. Odoric of Pordenone - Opt Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Monday 1st Week of Ordinary Time
1st: heb 1:1-6
Resp: psa 97:1-2, 6-7, 9
Gsp: mar 1:14-20

Audio (MP3)

