Homily #121229 ( 03min) Play - Fr. Ignatius explains that Jesus did not have the virtue of faith, yet He did provide one perfect model of this virtue.. Ave Maria!
Mass: 5th Day in Octave of Christmas - Wkdy - Form: OF Readings:
1st: 1jo 2:3-11
Resp: psa 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 5b-6
Gsp: luk 2:22-35
Father, what so interesting homily,? though it’s short. Honestly I thought the statement that Jesus didn’t have faith a kind of weird. But it makes sense, however I have never heard that before. I realise that that is likely due a lack of comprehension about the definition of faith. Could you speak about faith’s definition?
I’m trying to explain my feeling of weirdness about that statement. For me , that seems like as if we were saying that Jesus didn’t belive in God, as if he woud be an unbelieving (an incredulous). But I know that is a total nonsense. Jesus belived in God and he knew he was (he is) the Son of God (The Second Person of the Holy Trinity). But Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert. My doubt is about that point. How could be Jesus tempted if his virtue of faith couldn’t be tried?
The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
Third Part > Question 7. The grace of Christ as an individual man
Article 3. Whether in Christ there was faith?
“I answer that, As was said above (II-II, 1, 4), the object of faith is a Divine thing not seen. Now the habit of virtue, as every other habit, takes its species from the object. Hence, if we deny that the Divine thing was not seen, we exclude the very essence of faith. Now from the first moment of His conception Christ saw God’s Essence fully, as will be made clear (34, 1). Hence there could be no faith in Him.”
Father, what so interesting homily,? though it’s short. Honestly I thought the statement that Jesus didn’t have faith a kind of weird. But it makes sense, however I have never heard that before. I realise that that is likely due a lack of comprehension about the definition of faith. Could you speak about faith’s definition?
The question mark after homily wasn’t due to be there. Sorry.
I’m trying to explain my feeling of weirdness about that statement. For me , that seems like as if we were saying that Jesus didn’t belive in God, as if he woud be an unbelieving (an incredulous). But I know that is a total nonsense. Jesus belived in God and he knew he was (he is) the Son of God (The Second Person of the Holy Trinity). But Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert. My doubt is about that point. How could be Jesus tempted if his virtue of faith couldn’t be tried?
Ave Maria!
Alex, perhaps this may help,
The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
Third Part > Question 7. The grace of Christ as an individual man
Article 3. Whether in Christ there was faith?
“I answer that, As was said above (II-II, 1, 4), the object of faith is a Divine thing not seen. Now the habit of virtue, as every other habit, takes its species from the object. Hence, if we deny that the Divine thing was not seen, we exclude the very essence of faith. Now from the first moment of His conception Christ saw God’s Essence fully, as will be made clear (34, 1). Hence there could be no faith in Him.”
Happy Solemnity of the Mother of God, in Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi MMXIII! Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!
Very interesting! It’s very enlightening! Thank you for the answer! Later I’m going to read the other articles of the link. Thank for them too.
I’m going to the Mass in my parish tonight. Thank you for the good wish.
Ave Maria!