Video – Conferences #200: Priests Retreat 2012 Pt4, Card. Burke, Saintly Priests
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Cardinal Burke gives the the 4th talk at the Priest's Retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, IN. He reflects on the lives of saintly priest, namely St. John Vianney, Bl. Miguel Pro, St. Damien of Molokai and St. Maximilian Kolbe, and how they give a great example to priests in our challenging times. St John Vianney says we need to open up our hearts to the Sacred heart of Jesus revealed in the Holy Eucharist in order to be spiritual fathers.
Hermenuetics of rupture
- 1968 issues in the Church all things old were considered out of place. Shift to all things new and some of these things are problems, including undue familiarity that is meant to be a means to connect with people but blurs the idea of father figure that reflects our relationship with God. Some of this is a false humility where priests are acting as if they are just like anyone else when they are not.
- The source and ultimate meaning of the Priests life and ministry in the holy sacrifice of Mass where the Sacred Heart is pierced for the salvation of souls.
- Bearing the sufferings of the ministry that are becoming more frequent in our increasingly hostile, secular world is born by uniting ourselves to the sufferings of the Sacred Heart surrounded by the crown of thorns.
- Importance of reverent celebration of the Eucharist to help the world to know that the Lord is present. Should be Christ centered not priest centered and this is what the Second Vatican Council actually teaches.
- Cure de Ars arrived in Ars where the faith was in bad shape must like today. It was not innovation but Eucharistic adoration and confession that changed the place.
- Catechisis and priestly ministry is not separate, contrary to some modern thinking. Both through CCD programs and homilies.
- Bl. John XXIII underlines importance of preaching in St. John Vianney
- Holy hours for priests very important, a mini daily retreat from our incessant activities to recharge and unite.
Links to references:
List of talks for the Priests Conference 2012:
- Hom #1 Mon, Dec 3, Fr. Ben Luedtke, On the Mass
- Talk #1 - Mon, Dec, Conf #197 , Fr. Ben Luetdke, Unique Shepherds
- Hom #2 - Tue, Dec 4, Fr. Ben Luedtke, Becoming Christ
- Talk #2 - Tues, Dec 4, Conf #198, Fr. Ben Luetdke, The Whys of Priests
- Talk #3 - Tue, Dec 4, Conf #199, Fr. Ben Luetdke, Conversion
- Hom #3 - Wed, Dec 5, Card. Raymond Burke, Unite to Him who Sends Us
- Talk #4 - Wed, Dec 5, Conf #200, Card. Raymond Burke, Saintly Priests
- Talk #5 - Wed, Dec 5, Conf #201, Card. Raymond Burke, Celibacy
- Hom #4 - Thu, Dec 6, Card. Raymond Burke, St Nicholas, Exemplar of Shepherds
- Talk #6 - Thu, Dec 6, Conf #202, Card. Raymond Burke, Centrality of Eucharist
- Talk #7 - Thu, Dec 6, Conf #203, Card. Raymond Burke, Sacred Heart
- Talk #8 - Fri, Dec 7, Conf #204, Card. Raymond Burke, New Evangelization
- Hom #5 - Fri, Dec 7, Card. Raymond Burke, St Ambrose, Good Shepherd
Ave Maria!
