Video – Conferences #195: Pope Benedict and Mary’s “Yes”, Part 4
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Louis Maximilian gives the fourth talk of his retreat "The woman of the Yes" on the words of Benedict XVI on Mary. Part four is on the "Yes" of Jesus in His Church.
- Mary's Yes extends into the Church and the Church looks back to Mary
- When Mary says yes she is the new Israel the Church
- Consummation of the entire Old Testament
- As such she summarizes the entire faith
- When we are born again Mary has a role as she did with Jesus
- Mary is the Church in prayer where the Holy Spirit descends as in Pentecost
- Mary important figure from Crucifixion to Resurrection and Pentecost where the Church is born
- Resurrection she is not present
- Blessed is she who does not see and believes
- She was not behind locked doors, no fear
- Mary is universal mother
- Mary and John represent the family that is the Church
- Church is a sacrament of Unity in the Holy Trinity, made visible in the Church
- How does the Church stay together?
- Marian Consecration is the answer
- Walking away from Mary is the problem
- Mother of the redeemer, Christ
- Mother of the Mystical Body, the Church
- Title is coming to importance now when we see divisions growing
- If we want to see a new Pentecost then we must gather around Mary as the apostles did
- She will be victorious in battle will crush the Head of the Serpent
- Mother of the Church and of each individual uniquely
- Mary's and Jesus' lives interpenetrate
- Jesus giving Mary to John is testament of Christ and John accpets it and ratifies it.
- By accepting us we have become a part of her life and she has become a part of ours like mother and child
- This is especially true of priests whom she sees as images of her son in a particular way
- Being Catholic means being Marian May 28th 2011
The other parts of this conference are as follows:
- Homily - Introduction, the Woman of the "Yes"
- Part 1 - Mary's Yes to God's Initiative
- Part 2 - United to Jesus' Yes
- Part 3 - Yes of Jesus residing in Mary
- Part 4 - Mary's Yes Extending into the Church
- Part 5 - Mary's Yes to the Mediation of Grace
- Concluding Homily - Second Coming of Christ
Ave Maria!
Audio (MP3)