Nov 14 – Homily – Fr Elias: Martyrdom and Living the Faith

By November 14, 2012March 2nd, 2019Bloomington, IN, Fr. Elias Mills, Homily

Views 1125

Homily #121114b ( 10min) Play - Fr. Elias on the lives of St. Nicholas Tavelic and companion martyrs who gave their lives for the conversion of Muslims. Father relates this to the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Nicholas Tavelic and companions - Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Wednesday in the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time
1st: tit 3:1-7
Resp: psa 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6
Gsp: luk 17:11-19

Audio (MP3)

