Oct 11 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Bl John XXIII Unassuming Greatness

By October 11, 2012March 2nd, 2019Bloomington, IN, Fr. Joachim, Homily

Views 2027

Homily #121011b ( 08min) Play - On the Memorial of Bl. John XXIII Fr. Joachim preaches on the life of this humble peasant who became "Good Pope John" and became one of the most influential men in the 20th Century, opening the Second Vatican Council on this day fifty years ago.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Bl. John XXIII - Opt Mem - Form: OF
Readings: Thursday in the 27th Week in Ordinary Time
1st: gal 3:1-5
Resp: luk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75
Gsp: luk 11:5-13

Audio (MP3)

