Aug 20 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Salvation and Sanctification
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Homily #120820 ( 07min) Play- The first part of today's Gospel is for all of us - if we want to save our souls and enter into eternal life we must keep the commandments.
The second part is for some of us - the call to holiness is universal - but not all are called by the same path - the young man in today's Gospel is called to give his possessions to the poor and to follow Our Lord - this is the call to religious life.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Ordinary Form St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Memorial
Readings: Monday in the 20th Week in Ordinary Time
1st Reading: Ezekiel 24:15-24
Responsorial: Deuteronomy 32:18-19, 20, 21
Gospel: Matthew 19:16-22
Audio (MP3)