Aug 07 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Be Not Anxious

By August 7, 2012August 9th, 2012Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily, Mt. St. Francis

Views 1761

Homily #120807m ( 06min) Play - Drawing from the text of today's Gospel, Fr. Ignatius comments on the ubiquity of anxiety in our age and suggests the primary reason for it is that many today do not "seek first the kingdom of God and his justice," that is, the salvation and sanctification of their souls.

Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Cajetan, Confessor - 3rd Cl - Form: EF, Os Iusti
1st: sir 31:8-11
Gsp: mat 6:24-33

Audio (MP3)

