Video – Roving Reporter #131: Religious Freedom Rally New Haven
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Ave Maria!
Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Conn. ( gives a report on the Stand-up for Religious Freedom Rally in New Haven, CT held on June 8, 2012 on the Green.
Ave Maria!

Thank you for doing another excellent job with covering such important news. If it weren’t for ministries like “Roving Reporter” we the faithful would probably be clueless as to what’s happening around the country. The media blackout gives the impression that all is well and Catholics are just going to go along with this insanity, the HSS mandate.
Our parish has yet to address the HSS mandate from the pulpit or post anything in the church bulletin to let the faithful know what is happening with so important an issue! Thank you for again delivering another excellent and newsworthy story. God Bless the work you do Fr. Roderick! and your cameraman too.