Ave Maria!
The pro-life movie October Baby is out now (for over a week) and I am finally getting around to blogging about it. (Thanks to all those who emailed me.) It is about a woman who survived an abortion attempt and was raised by her adopting parents and her journey to find her biological mother and to forgive after she learned the facts of her early life. It was produced by Samuel Goldwyn Co. a division of MGM and has received some favorable commments even from secular critics like this from LA Times Gary Goldstein:
“October Baby,” a film whose poignancy is hard to deny whatever side of the abortion debate you fall on.
Further, it has performed well at the boxoffice, coming in second only to Hunger Games in regard to revenue per screen and breaking into the top 10. But the number of screens was only 390 and had only a very modest advertising budget so the gross was only $1.9 million, still, not bad for an $800,000 production. Because of the warm viewer reception, more theaters will show it on April 13 and the previous ones are still showing it for now. See if a theater is showing it near you.
The trailer is worth watching and so are some of the personal stories of those involved in the film, including that of Shari who played the biological mother and actually had a similar life experience to her character and received some of the same healing as her character during the filming.
And then there is that of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen who’s testimony is the very inspiration for the movie. I had the honor of interviewing her myself for Airmaria over four years ago. This was before the Obama controversy happened. Despite my inexperience at interviewing, it has become our most viewed video and one of the most viewed on Gianna on the internet.
The fact that such a movie could have been produced is a miracle in itself and that it has been so well received is all the more reason to rejoice. Deo Gratias!
Below is a review by Steve Greydanus of National Catholic Register:
Well-crafted pro-life film looks at life after abortion — for a lucky child who survived.
When a pro-life drama opens with a troubled, distracted teenage heroine struggling to focus, falling apart under pressure, and ultimately collapsing before dismayed onlookers, it might be natural to wonder if she might be pregnant and perhaps contemplating an abortion, like the wounded female lead in Bella. (The very first shot in the film depicts a butterfly, recalling Bella’s butterfly motif.)
October Baby, though, has a different story to tell. Hannah’s difficulties are due to a problem pregnancy, yes — but it happened nearly two decades earlier, and 19-year-old Hannah (newcomer Rachel Hendrix) has no inkling of it. She doesn’t even know that she’s adopted. More at SDG Reviews ‘October Baby’ | Daily News | NCRegister.com.