Homily #120311 (14min) Play - Our Lord is incensed by the actions of the money changers in the temple because He loves His Father. When we ignore God corruption takes it's place. There is always something that takes God's place. We must have zeal for God's glory. God has to reign and has to be king and we have to have zeal for His glory. Love God and make His glory and goodness known - our primary duty. Have you heard the new buzzword? Freedom of worship - not freedom of Religion. Keep your worship in your churches and don't let it influence any one else. This philosophy is being impressed upon our nation. When God is gone corruption enters in. This is a wicked agenda and it is going to affect you, your families, and our faith.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Ordinary Form - Sunday 3rd Week of Lent Readings:
1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17
Responsorial Psalm: 19:8, 9, 10, 11
2nd Reading: 1Corinthians 1:22-25
Gospel: John 2:13-25