Ave Maria Meditations
Are you at peace in the midst of the painful challenges of life and of suffering? I am talking about substantial, deep peace, compatible with agitation, with all our daily upsets. May God grant you that grace, may he make you see in his pure light what he wants for you and what you can do for his glory and for those who are so dear to him.
This dear, good God is a marvelous artist; he knows how to knead us, to work us in view of the work that he wants to do in us and through us. Everything is good to him: suffering, illnesses, the events of our lives, the joy even, when he wishes it, although that is not the usual way. He detaches us from the world, from ourselves, from spiritual consolations, and leads us to loving him alone and into the happiness of which he is the principle, without any searching for his gifts. When you have left everything for him, you are sure of finding him, aren’t you? .. Let us unite our sufferings, our self-denial, our sacrifices; let us pray a lot; let us act in complete union with our Lord; and let us ask him to use our poor gifts for those we love and for his Church.
Elisabeth Leseur