Video – Variety #192: ADWM Dog in Search of Scraps

By January 19, 2012Variety
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Ave Maria!

This was just for fun. While I was at ADWM social I tried filming the dog by turning the 5D camera upside-down on a mono-pod.

Ave Maria!


Author apostolate

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  • RAchel says:

    That was cute! How such simple things can bring so much joy! Thank you for sharing this.

  • Joanne says:

    looks like a very happy dog!! I really needed that video today more than a sermon (although the sermon as great too!) – a bit of lighthearted cuteness in a world that takes itself sooo seriously sometimes….thanks! Woof! 🙂

  • Paul says:

    Yes, got a real lift from this little character! Thought to watch “Greyfriars Bobby”, the ’61 Disney version last night. A great story! Lovely movie.

    Had a border collie for 15 years until about 8 years ago. Few things can bring more joy than a good-natured, intelligent dog. Is this little one a West Highland Terrier?

    Well, thank for the short clip!

  • Maria says:

    Ave Maria!

    So glad you liked the clip. Angelica is a 4 1/2 yr old red Cairn Terrier with a gentle nature and is much loved.

    Ave Maria!

  • Marie says:


    I’ll trade you two Maltese, and one Toy Cream Poodle (same color as Angelica) for your lovely, well-behaved Cairn Terrier. 🙂

    Thanks for amusing us, Fra Didacus!

    Ave Maria!

  • Paul says:

    A delightful little lady she certainly seems to be. Gentle, clever, and loving. Can’t beat that combination! Something often very special about those Scottish breeds. Thanks Maria.

  • Marie says:


    I was thinking about your words from the other day. I thought I would share this link with you (below). I know what loneliness feels like. Boy, do I know, but if I dwell on it I will only encourage the wrong feelings to build up inside of me which will eventually push people away. The examples of the saints listed in this book will inspire both of us, all of us, to rise above feelings and become the saints God wishes us to be.
    As Father Agnellus said in his recent conference, we must be like Mary…silent, hidden, full of grace…. May She help us to persevere in an often unkind world.

    Ave Maria!

  • Paul says:


    Thank you. I understand that you are trying to help. I’m never too certain who it is I’m communicating with as there seems to be a lot of “marie” and “mary” and “marian” and “maria” and so forth, on this site!
    Nonetheless, I realize that all are trying to help each other here and to come closer to the One Who is Love.

    I think, though, that you are the person who has written about having a disabled child and the joys and difficulties of such a calling. God bless you.

    I have two children whom I love dearly but seldom see anymore, not because I am not available to them, and not because I do not care, but because of a rather twisted situation in which my estranged wife orchestrates, in many different ways, keeping them apart from me. The whole thing is too twisted to tell here and I will not go into all the sordid details. Enough to relate that all this nastiness, after a decade of having a loving, caring, daily relationship with the kids, and being a decent loving father, is not helping my health problem heal. That, however, is not really what concerns me the most. The denial and ignorance that has been shown, right through this so-called Catholic/Christian community as to how this is damaging the souls of the children is stunning. A lot of Christian talk, without any spirit of truth behind it. They do not look to the teaching of the Church to guide their actions, but rather, in a protestant type manner, fashion their own faith under the pretense of Catholicism. It is to a great extent, simply a support system for sin and selfishness.

    People can “choose” to kill in many ways. Read #2385 in the CCC. It speaks of “grave harm”. That is the tip of the ice-burg in this case. In the end, though, what this all amounts to is a community rotten with hypocrisy, a la Nancy Pelosi style, and they can find any excuse to do whatever they like. Contracept, divorce, get drunk, fool around, as long as there’s lots of money, and worldly goods, and status involved, that’s all that children and families need. They call it self-fullfillment. If any of that is lacking slightly, then it can’t be a truly satisfying Christian life! This is the mindset behind these greedy hypocrites.

    I have an acquired brain injury and stress disorder, and this has been used to toss me in the garbage….but I am not garbage… you may have figured out by my correspondence. I do struggle at times with the illness, but I am making a lot of progress and am getting well and healthy again. But it takes time and effort. Needless to say, with no help from anyone in the Catholic community in which I live. On the contrary, they have done nothing, really, but aggravate all of this, with their smug arrogance and twisting of the truth. They see Christ, I believe, as a bread King, much like those is John 6. When things get tough or hard to understand, they find fault and start to make their own rules.

    It’s the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel really and it is very appealing and deceptive. In any case, they can do what they please with me, but what gets me is the willful, spiritual ignorance they cling to, when it comes to Church teaching, mainly regarding what all this is doing to the souls of my children. Grave harm, that’s what the church is supposed to be teaching and guiding us away from. But the proud and arrogant and selfish take the driver’s seat, and take advantage of my temporal illness and weakness, and justify the grave harm through all manner of false reasoning. It’s all a very twisted business and as I said, this is just the tip of the iceburg.

    God bless you Marie, for being loyal and faithful and for supporting life and precious souls. But as I said earlier, there are many ways to bring “grave harm” to the souls of children and adults, too, for that matter. They may do as they wish concerning me, as I know they are liars, but the grave harm they are doing to our children is nasty indeed. I should think the verse, in Matthew 18, ” better that a millstone should be hanged about their necks and that they should be drowned in the depth of the sea”, than to be doing what these money-loving, worldly, hypocritical charlatans are doing.

    They are only concerned with getting their “nice things” in this life. As much as they can tell, that’s the only thing that matters in the end, and proud and arrogant as they are, they believe that the children will be fine as long as they have these blind guides to lead them. As I said, it’s a messy, nasty, selfish business — and in these parts, they call it the Catholic faith! May God have mercy on their greedy, selfish hearts and darkened souls. What’s the verse? “if the light in your eye is darkness, how deep will that darkness be.” It’s all about the “good life” here. Anything that interferes with that in any way, be it an illness, lack of material or monetary wealth, etc. etc., is considered as an improperly led Catholic life….. as you see that Jesus wants us all not to have any troubles and not to make any sacrifices for others if they deem them to be not socially acceptable anymore. If they think it will make them Look Good, then they help. Remind you of some of the pharisees in any way?

    Here, we worship the god of Looking Good, the god of Appearances and Wealth, and the god of “Self-Satisfaction and Joy.”

    Well, I lived a life filled with sin and darkness until about 20 years ago Our Lady, kind and merciful, brought me home to Her Holy Catholic Church and taught me about Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. One thing I know for sure, the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Divine Son did not drag me up out of that muddy stinky pit, just to have me continue to roll around in another one and call it Catholic living. So I continue on a daily basis to work on getting better, to pray and to receive Holy Communion, and offer to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts all of this pain and sorrow and suffering, for the souls of my children.

  • Paul says:

    So, yes, I know loneliness I suppose, but that is not the greatest concern. The greatest concern is what these stinkers are passing off as the Catholic faith to my children, and the “grave harm” they are supporting to protect this false, hypocritical version of the Catholic/Christian faith they wish to promote. Befriending these devils would only give their lies a seal of approval. Better to enter into Heaven lame and crippled, than to satisfy all the worldly lusts and desires that this bunch pass off as “holy joy” and “Christian fullfillment”.

    They are liars, plain and simple. And yes, I pray for their souls, too. As well as mine.

  • Marie says:


    I am going to ask you to do something, if you are not already doing it. Pray with all your might, daily, for all those who are doing harm to you, your children, the Church, themselves. I come from an abusive past. I spent years harboring resentment, hatred, judgement…on those who should have loved me, should have protected me. The only way out of the mire is to pray, to forgive, without end. Nothing else works. When we all learn how to pray from the heart for ‘the enemy’, the wrong doer, we are most like the Holy Virgin, and Jesus. What He said from the Cross She would have said also…”Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” This must be our prayer as well. It is the highest form of love to pray for those who cause pain and suffering in the world, and it pleases Our Lord and Lady very much.
    You have been remembered in my prayers since I saw your first posting. Children know if their parents love them. They also learn quickly if a parent is manipulative. Be a wonderful example…they will be yours in the end. And if not here on earth, then certainly in heaven, where we will all be ‘smoothered’ in Love! 🙂
    I am so looking forward to that.

    Paul, the Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end! Don’t forget.

    May God’s peace be with you always.
    Ave Maria!

  • Paul says:

    Thank you, Marie. You really have been kind and patient and helpful. God bless you and your family. Your personal experience and counsel is appreciated as are your prayers.

    I pray the Cross prayer “Father, forgive them”… but I often feel guilty doing that, as I know I have a long past of ugly sins, as I mentioned in previous comments. So I try to pray that prayer and ask the Blessed Trinity to forgive me and correct me if I am way out of line with the way I see things. I know I’m not a Saint or even particularly holy, but the whole thing is just so ugly and seems so out of line with the Magisterial teaching of the Church. So I feel sheepish, as it were, when I pray that prayer, as most around here make it out as if I’m the one who has messed up, you know, because I am not able to get by right now the way my health is. There is a lot more to it but that’s the summary of that.

    I will keep doing my best with those prayers, and I forgive my spouse over and over again, and always look for and am grateful for the signs of peace in that regard; though I do get angry when they get the shame and blame game going again, and the manipulation, as it does over and over again. I’ll love my spouse always, in spite of the deception and calumny; but for the rest I find it difficult. Especially as they make it out to be my fault because I couldn’t be well, or rather, as is implied, won’t be well. And they know absolutely nothing about what or why, or how I got this illness. I get that from some of the clergy and laity alike. It’s come to the point that I don’t even attempt to seek help or guidance from anyone anymore, as I don’t have any confidence in the lot of them for now, and am tired of getting kicked in the teeth, figuratively. I really do not trust any of them anymore. A sad state for sure.

    I usually offer most of my Holy Communions for the kids and my spouse, and ask Jesus and Mary and the angels to guide them into Heaven and to protect them. I also pray for some of the clergy here. I have to admit I find it really quite difficult to feel sincere about my prayers for those in the Church here (laity and religious alike) who have supported or even promoted this breakdown of our family, or turned blind eye to it all. The laypersons who are aware of our situation treat me with disdain or subtle mockery, etc. Basically I pray for them (when I do) only because I believe if they don’t change they will continue to pollute my kids’ souls and minds with hypocrisy and that pharisaic attitude that is so deadly for kids.

    The system here is rotten with “cafeteria catholics”, feel good, look good type of Christians. The best of them are more geared toward power and control and vainglory and use the lovely facade of the RC Church to help satisfy those desires. Now I know I am guilty too, of wanting to be thought well of, but I hope not to the point where I would go along with a family’s destruction and detraction of one is struggling in the world.

    Well, I’d better go and try to work on those pointers, Marie. Thank you again for your care and concern.

  • Marie says:


    I have Neurofibromatosis. I have hundreds of tumors inside of my body. I have been living in pain since age 17; I will be 50 this year. Disabilities are gifts from God. They are designed for us to carry with patience so that we will live with Him for all eternity in heaven. Disabilities challenge us to practice virtue. Disabilities are put pin pricks of pain compared to the fires of hell, or purgatory.
    You have typed the word ‘anger’ a lot in your postings. Don’t let anger, a capital sin, rob you of your place in heaven. I am a little Italian spit fire….very emotional, quick to speak. Anger, bad temper, is my biggest fault. I had a spiritual director once who only wanted to work on my anger ‘issues’. I think he was very successful.
    Try to get a copy of “The Seven Capital Sins”, a little booklet by Tan Publishers. I have found reading this from time to time helpful in picking out how pride hides itself.

    Now, I say “Bravo” to you for your efforts. Bring as many hearts as you can to the Immaculate heart. Make those who come into contact with you over look your disabilites by making them see your virtues, your holiness, your patience….You get my meaning. People are drawn to ‘lambs’, not scorpions. May we all be lambs in the arms of the Most Holy Virgin.

    Blessed Pope John Paul II, who showed the world how to suffer with great dignity, pray for us all.

    Ave Maria! Paul You remain in my prayers.

  • Michael says:

    Fra Didacus,

    You need to upload this on Vimeo 🙂

  • Paul says:

    Not *all* wrong-doing is to be borne silently, nor even patiently. Jesus gave us example of that in the gospels.

    The Angelic Doctor of the Church deferred to that example:

    “To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection *and even of actual sin*.”

    -St. Thomas Aquinas

    In our quest to be made perfect in Christ Jesus, which is a good thing, we may often mistake silence and patience as the only proper Christian response to wrong-doing. Yet, there are times when it takes more than that, if we are to attempt to truly and whole-heartedly follow Christ, and to give ourselves completely to Him. It seems to me that very often we have missed the point of St. Thomas, as he states it in the above comment.

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