Dec 31 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Sitting at the Feet of the One Teacher

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Homily #111231 ( 17min) Play - On this 7th day of the Octave of Christmas Fr. Angelo, based on the Prologue of St. John, preaches on the teaching authority of Jesus Christ who was born as a meek and humble babe from the Virgin Mary who died an ignominious death on the Cross for the sake of those who offended His Divine dignity. Following his example we need to be meek and humble at the feet of Christ and at the feet of His duly appointed Magisterium.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 7th Day in Octave of Christmas - Wkdy - Form: OF

1st: 1jo 2:18-21
Resp: psa 96:1-2, 11-12, 13
Gsp: joh 1:1-18

Audio (MP3)

