Dec 01 – Homily – Fr. Agnellus Murphy: Fourteen Martyrs of Oxford University
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Homily #111201k ( 04min) Play - God perfected their human nature and gave them as an example of the harmony between faith and reason.
1 December - St. EDMUND CAMPION, SJ, Martyr, Priest, Proctor of Oxford University b. London; educ. At Bluecoat School; scholar and fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford; Proctor of Oxford University; after conversion, Douay; admitted S.J. at Rome, 1573; English mission, June 1580 - August 1581. Condemned for fictitious plot in Rome and Flanders. Hung, drawn, and quartered. Martyred Tyburn, 1581.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Common of Many Martyrs outside Eastertide I - Form: EF, Intret
1st: wis 3:1-8
Gsp: luk 21:9-19
Audio (MP3)