Video – Variety #164: Fr Fehlner: Fatima Versus Communism
Views 2130
Ave Maria!
Here Fr. Peter is asked "What is the contrast between the message of Fatima and the Communist ideology?" (4.2.3.)
Ave Maria!
Audio (MP3)
Views 2130
Here Fr. Peter is asked "What is the contrast between the message of Fatima and the Communist ideology?" (4.2.3.)
Father Peter,
Your words, simplicity, and the great love that I see in you for the Holy Virgin makes increases the desirein me to become a Third Order Franciscan of the Immaculate!
I hope someone shows you this comment….please pray for a little Italian who hopes to be known as Sister Marie Bernadette of the Penitential and Joyful Hearts one day.
God bless you, and Mary keep you from all harm!
Thank you for your fiat to Our Mother!
Ave Maria!
Audio link not working.
Ave Maria!
Depending on the browser and other settings the Audio will either play in the browser when the button is clicked or down load. By right-clicking you will get an option to down load as well. Once it is downloaded you can play it on you computer. Yes, this could use some improvement.