Video – Obey the Church – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts133

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MaryCast Specials #133 ( 11min) Play - Mark Miravalle discusses the need to obey the Church if you claim to be Catholic. He covers all the main objections to obey the magisterium and then the many good reasons why faith should lead to obedience.

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Ave Maria!

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  • Rachel says:

    Thank you Dr. Miravale for a wonderful explanation on obedience. Did not Our Dear Lady say more than once, “Do everything he tells you?” Obedience does bring peace and with it comes truth.

    I have been tempted on many occassions after witnessing clown masses and kumbaya masses to pack up, leave the Roman Catholic Church and join the Pius X group. I have always known that my heart belongs to Rome. Joining the Pius X crowd would take me from being a Roman Catholic to a Roaming Catholic. I think I’ll stay with Jesus and Mary and the Pope.

    Wonderful talk! God be with you!

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