Sep 11 – Homily – Fr Angelo: This is the Time of Mercy
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Homily #110911 (

Ave Maria!
Mass: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Ordinary Form
1st Reading: Sirach 27:30-28:7
Responsorial Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12
2nd Reading: Romans 14:7-9
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

please would you have comments on the jew red heifer,third temple in jerusalem and the new jerusalum to come.thanks arnald.
Another good homily…. However, I’d like to add one comment. Forgiveness flows rather easily when one truly, with all their heart, loves Our Lord! How can anyone look to Him who has forgiven us so generously and not want to imitate what He has taught? The true operation of forgiveness is a grace that is given. When pertaining to forgiveness, the only operation of the will is found in saying yes to such a glorious grace. Jesus came to set us free and that means to set us free, EVEN from ourselves, our opinions, our grudges, our angers.
Forgivness is a gift, yes! But it is a gift that passes to and from heaven in two directions. To us and through us into another and back to the courts of heaven. Forgiveness is a gift, but the greatest of all is love. Forgiveness is an operation of love and with God all things are possible.