Video – Face of Pro-Life #145: Marriage and Where we Stand
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Ave Maria!
Mike Casey of RI National Organization for Marriage gives a rundown of the state of marriage in the US and particularly in the smallest state of the union, Rhode Island, and compares this to what happened in New York. He mentions how 31 times people voted directly on this issue across the nation and every time voted against same sex marriage, how it is being pushed on children at school which is taking the place of parents and even by the medical profession in doctor offices, how protocol was thrown out the window in the NY push for gay marriage, how there is an implied threat to sue if the bill does not get passed and so will win it through the courts, how gay pride day marches are pornographic and even if they were heterosexual should be banned, and how this all adds up to a long slow slide toward the demise of the building block of society, marriage and family.
Ave Maria!
