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Homily #110904 (
40min) Play - Fr. Bonaventure preaches on the need to do good works but unlike secular philanthropy these works must be Christocentric including the Spiritual Works of Mercy that are mentioned in the Gospel today. Here Jesus points out that we are obliged to admonish our brothers in Christ to repent from sin and exhort them to greater virtue. Father explains how this can and should be done as an act of charity and not as a sanctimonious act.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday - Form:
1st: eze 33:7-9
Resp: psa 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
2nd: rom 13:8-10
Gsp: mat 18:15-20
Audio (MP3)
Thankyou ,thankyou, thankyou. God Bless You.
Thank you, Fr. Bonaventure. Too often, I hear, ‘Do not judge lest you be judged’ without any mention of the importance of admonishing sinners.
To be sure, this is not an easy thing to do and needs much discernment and prayers. God bless you for expounding in clarity on this passage of scripture readings.
I want to thank you Fr.Bonaventure, for your homilies. Not because they make me happy, but because of what you say, and the extreme honesty in how you express yourself, you make me think about my faith,if it is alive or not.
It is very challenging to listen to you. By making this comment, I have revealed that it is indeed hard to live the beatitudes and the evangelical councils. You have such great love and concern for all of us, Fr.Bonaventure, thank you.