Video – Fi News #117: Hurricane Irene: Power Out in Griswold Connecticut What’s it Like

By September 1, 2011October 26th, 2011Fi News

Views 2291

Ave Maria!

We're in our 4th day without power here in Griswold Connecticut at the Franciscan Friary of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It's not that bad; we travel about 3 miles to take showers, collect water for drinking and house hold cleaning, we charge the laptops by car battery and read by candle light and a few flashlights. Our Canon 7D is out of battery juice, so I'll try to get them charged tomorrow. The power was eventually restored on Friday, September 2nd, five days after it went out.

Ave Maria!

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Author apostolate

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  • Joanne says:

    I am sorry but to be honest that video made me laugh out loud – it is perfect! I have seen aftermath videos and lots of them unfortunately in the last year of natural disasters but yours somehow perfectly showed the dead silence and the dark and quiet world of no power. I think our Lady is giving us a warning & heads up about what is to come – more disasters for the U.S … I am keeping stocked up with water and supplies for the next one – Hurricane Katia… apparently building up strength as I type this in the Atlantic somewhere. Can a person get used to natural disasters? I feel like I am starting to get used to it, what with the earthquake last week and then the hurricane on the week-end. I feel so sorry for you all – it is horrible to be out of power but hopefully, Our Lady will give the angels the word to switch back the power for you real soon. I am sure countless souls are being saved w/all of our suffering united to the sufferings of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the sufferings of the whole world! Ave Maria!

  • Matthew says:

    So Serene

  • Rachel says:

    And so a Light Shines in the Darkness!

  • says:

    Laudatur Iesus Christus,

    Ave mundi Spes Maria, ave Mitis, ave Pia, ave Plena Gratia.

    “Et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt” 🙂

    Quis ut Deus

  • Marian says:

    Ave Maria!

    The picture reminds me of Job

    “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
    blessed be the name of the LORD!” 🙂

    In Christ,

  • Jennifer says:

    We’re on Day 6 without power (and thus, water) and I’ve snuck to the library for some free wi-fi. I do feel the Lord is calling us to SILENCE and this has surely hit home for that. +JMJ+

  • Dan says:

    Turn down those crickets! lol

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