Jul 06 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Maria Goretti, Martyr for Charity

By July 6, 2011October 26th, 2011Fr. Bonaventure, Griswold, CT, Homily

Views 1643

Homily #110706 ( 11min) Play - Today Fr. Bonaventure preaches on the life of St. Maria Goretti, how she heroically preserved her virginity, paying the price of her life. He mentions the role of pornography in the depraved actions of Alessandro, her attacker, and finally how both Maria and her mother Assunta forgave him.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Maria Goretti - Opt Mem - Form: OF

1st: 1co 6:13c-15a, 17-20
Resp: psa 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17
Gsp: joh 12:24-26

Audio (MP3)

