Jul 01 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Sacred Heart of Infinite Love

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Homily #110701 ( 12min) Play - Fr. Dominic preaches on how the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the symbol of Infinite love of God, where He sent His only Son to become one with us and even suffer and die for our redemption. Father exhorts us to imitate this great love that Christ has in His heart and so have a life flowing over with generous love.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sacred Heart of Jesus - Solemnity - Form: OF

1st: deu 7:6-11
Resp: psa 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 10
2nd: 1jo 4:7-16
Gsp: mat 11:25-30

Audio (MP3)

