Video – Face of Pro-Life #139: Artificial Birth Control
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Ave Maria!
Hostess Corinn Dahm discusses with her guest Fr. Angelo Geiger the original and ramifications of Artificial Birth Control, including:
- Prophetic statements of Pope Paul VI in Humanae Vitae.
- Abortion on demand
- Degradation of Men, women and sexuality.
- Degradation of children and family.
- Role of feminism in ushering in abortion.
- Moral and immoral means to aid fertility.
- Multiple evils of in vitro techniques for conceiving.
- Connection between embryo stem cell research and abortion and in vitro.
- Aging population
- Only remedy is to obey the natural law.
- Catechism 2378 children are not a right.
Ave Maria!

Ave Maria!
Thanks so much for that video. You are so right. I think for myself I just decided way back around 20 years go (thanks be to God) to be 100% Catholic – 100% obedient to the teachings of the Church. No more “well I think this and well I think that….” No more, well maybe the Church is wrong…. I found out the hard way the Church is right all the time. And since that point I have lived a very peaceful and happy life. I am happy because I am obedient, it is that simple. I am not perfect by any stretch but I am obedient and that is my peace and joy.
Without obedience to the Church, there is only darkness, impurity, selfishness, abortion, perversion and chaos. God love you for all you do.