Audio – Conf #141: Heroic Virtue 1, Notion of – Fr Ignatius – England

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Ignatius preached a mission in Cornwall, England on Heroic virtues. In this first talk he explains the notion of heroic virtue. He uses the universal call to holiness in the Bible, “You Must, therefore, Be Perfect…” (Mt. 5:49) to introduce us to an in-depth road map for developing the profound virtues that God desires to give us if we truly desire them and ask for the necessary graces. He bases this on the teachings of Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758).

Conference Handout

Ave Maria!

Audio (MP3)


You Must, therefore, Be Perfect…” (Mt. 5,49)


Author apostolate

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  • Marie says:

    Father Ignatius,

    Consider it a success. Thank you.

    ~a penitential and joyful heart!

    Ave Maria!

  • Jen says:

    I can’t seem to load the video .. I’m getting an error msg. 🙁 Is this a temporary glitch or am I doing something wrong??

  • Clare says:

    Ave Maria! Praised be Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
    I wanted to watch the video but could not because it said ‘video could not be found’
    I tried to push the play button but nothing happened.
    Can you fix that? Thanks so much for all you do – I love the videos on this website – they are terrific!

    • apostolate says:

      Thanks Clare,

      Does anyone else have any success or failure with this? It works at this end. Keep in mind it is just audio, no video. But it should not get a ‘video could not be found’ message.

  • Marie says:

    Ave Maria, Fra Roderic!

    The audio came in sometime early this morning! Looking forward to hearing the entire mission! Any chance we can get CD’s of this mission? I know a few people who would enjoy hearing Father Ignatius’ talk on heroic virtue. They could listen to it in the car, while doing dishes, house cleaning….
    Regards to the AirMaria team! God bless you!

    Any idea as to how many attended the Lenten mission in England?

    Ave Maria!

  • Marie says:

    Fra Roderic,

    If I click on the word, “Play”, I get the ‘video not found’ on a black background. If I click on Father Ignatius’ photo I get the audio. I hope this helps those who wish to listen to Father’s inspiring talk.

    Hope God blesses you with some sunshine where you are! 🙂

    Ave Maria!

  • Marie says:

    Ave Maria, Fra Roderic!

    Pressing the play button still gives me the ‘video not found’ message. Father’s photo needs to be clicked on to get the audio talk. At least we know how to hear it. 🙂

    God bless all of you, and your work!

    • apostolate says:

      Ave Maria!

      Thanks, Marie! That was the clue I needed. I was starting to despair that I would find a solution. I have fixed the ‘Play” link and it should work now for everybody.
      – Fra Roderic

  • Marie says:

    In Lucia’s memoirs the Holy Virgin says of Francisco, “He too shall go, but he must say many Rosaries.”
    In Msgr Joseph Cirrincione’s booklet, “Venerable Francisco Marto of Fatima” (pgs x and xi) it is stated ‘that our Lady did not add a conditiont to Francisco’s going to Heaven. She was not implying the existence of a defect in Francisco that would keep him from going to Heaven. The Monsignor’s interpretation of the dialogue is that Our Lady was giving Francisco a mission. It was to be a frequent recitation of the rosary.
    As a nitpicky home school mom, I would have thought the word, “but” would have sufficed as the condition. After hearing Father Ignatius pose the question, “What did he do? I don’t know.” I had to wonder about Francisco’s holiness prior to the Holy Virgin’s visit to the three shepherd children. I am inclined to think he was given a special mission from Our Lady.
    Which is it?

  • rebuildmychurch says:

    Ave Maria!

    Ah yes, Father Ignaitus – when he left for Italy, I wanted to write the following:

    Dear friar-of-the-soggy-socks,


    who can’t get no satisfaction


    but is helping us get find what we are really looking for!!!

    Thanks be to God and thanks be to you for all the wisdom and counsel that you have given us during your time in Connecticut. You are in our special prayers as you are in Italy…and England…Africa…and everywhere else…

    We miss you, dear Father!

    God bless you!

    And thanks for these Lenten mission talks, which are outstanding! You continue to help us find what we are really looking for!

    Ave Maria!

    To download the four talks (which you can burn onto CDs…I did!) and the accompanying handouts with relative ease, go to:

  • Marie says:

    Fra Roderic,

    Happy to help my AirMaria brothers! Safe journey home to all.
    You remain in my prayers. And, thank you, Rebuildmychurch (whoever you are) for guiding us to all four talks with Father’s outline! I have spiritual food for my hungry soul! May we all become the saints good intends us to be!!!

    Ave Maria!

  • Marie says:

    Ooops! I meant to type:

    May we all become the saints GOD intends us to be! 😉

    Ave Maria!

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