Video – Face of Pro-Life #134: Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vinyard
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Ave Maria!
Susan Williams of the Office of Family Life of the Diocese of Norwich and Corinn Dahm the hostess of Face of Prolife discuss the ministries available for women suffering post-abortive syndrome. These are Project Rachel where you can talk to a counselor and Rachel's Vineyard where you can go on a retreat with other women suffering from this.
Ave Maria!

Thank you so much for the video. It was very good. I have to say it is nice to place a face with the Project Rachel and Rache’s Vineyard programs. The lady was very nice and it was very nice to hear her emphasize Christ’s mercy. I have never had an abortion but I do know women who have and I pray they will get to the point where they are ready for healing. I think the parish with the statue of Our Lady of the Unborn is very wise to have that statue there. But I would suggest a compassionate message below the statue that would comfort women. Maybe some of the women who have been thru Project Rachel & Rachels Vineyard could suggest what to say beneath the statue. Perhaps a messsage of hope and healing for those men and women who have had abortions. Maybe they can put some pamphlets beneath the statue so the women and men can get help. God bless you!