Video – Coredemptrix from the Start – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts112

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MaryCast Specials #112 ( 10min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle discusses the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Dec 31, 1951 in her apparitions to Ida Peerdeman in which she explains the necessity of Fifth Marian dogma and how it is not a new innovation.

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Ave Maria!

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  • Joanne says:

    I agree about the fact that our Holy Father’s specific quoting of St. Alphonsus’ (who is a Doctor of the Church) about our Lady as Partner in the Redemption, Mediatrix, Mother and Advocate as extremely positive and encouraging news. I am sure that Our Holy Father knows that the dogma is true and needs to be declared. I would not be surprised at all that he does proclaim the dogma very very soon. Pope Benedict is the perfect Pope to proclaim the dogma because he is the best person on this earth to defend it. He is so wise and courageous. And it is truely the answer to everything right now. And if Our Lady is behind him, what more does he need? I pray for him each day to just do it! Praised be Jesus Mary and Joseph. I am asking Pope John Paul the Great to get our Holy Father to do it even if he has to appear to him in a dream! Yeah! St. Alphonsus pray for this dogma!! Thanks for the videos they are terrific!

  • Lisa Giuliano says:

    I would like to obtain cards to pass out with the proper prayer on them.
    I do not understand why the prayer would be changed. It is necessary to
    communicate it the way it was given. Just because we do not understand
    something is no reason to change it from how it was given.

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