Mar 27 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Living Water

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Homily #110327 ( 15min) Play - Fr. Angelo preaches on today's Gospel where Our Lord comes to the well in Samaria and converses with a women about the living water that he has and how anyone who drinks this water will not thirst again.  Father highlights the fact that the spiritual water he is offering is different from the physical water in the well and infinitely more satisfying but uses His own physical thirst to lift up the woman from the physical to the spiritual realm. She, in turn, goes and gathers her own townspeople to Christ. This all sheds light on the wonder of the incarnation where the true God becomes true man in order for man to truly share in His divinity and to share in the work of spreading this truth.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sunday 3rd Week of Lent - Form:

1st: exo 17:3-7
Resp: psa 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9
2nd: rom 5:1-2, 5-8
Gsp: joh 4:5-42

Audio (MP3)

