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Franciscan Sisters Miraculously Survive Violent Car Accident | The Anchor

By March 17, 2011April 21st, 2011Fi News

Franciscan Sisters miraculously survive violent car accident | The Anchor.

By Kenneth J. Souza

Anchor Staff

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. — It began as just another routine monthly trip for four Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.


They climbed into the eight-passenger Chevy Venture van on the Friday before Valentine’s Day to make the six-hour trek to Maine, N.Y. to teach catechism classes to children attending a retreat at the Franciscan friary as part of their missionary apostolate.

“Every month we’ve been sending the Sisters up there,” said Mother Maria Simona, superior of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate based at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford. “They usually leave on Friday morning and stay overnight at the hermitage and then d rive back to New Bedford the next day.”

But just two hours into the long drive back to their convent the next day, they apparently hit a patch of black ice that sent the van care ening and then rolling over four times before landing in a snow-covered ditch off the side of the highway.

Eyewitnesses driving behind them were amazed to find that not only did all four Sisters survive the violent accident, but also escaped with only minor cuts and bruises.

“I think it was black ice, because we didn’t hit anything and the steering wheel didn’t move,” said aspirant Claudia, who was taking her turn in the driver’s seat when the accident occurred. “The van started spinning and that’s when I realized what was happening. We rolled off the left side of the highway and thank God we didn’t hit anyone else.”

While the fact that all four passengers in the van were wearing seat belts is certainly one reason they survived the crash, the Sisters also believe that God and their beloved Mother Mary had a hand in allowing them to walk away from the incident relatively unscathed.

“People stopped right away to help us and they were amazed when I opened the door and got out of the car,” said aspirant Agnes.

“People told us the van flipped over,” said Sister Maria Lydwine. “One of the persons who stopped after the accident told us he was praying to Mother Mary that no one died in the accident. It’s a miracle that no one did.”

When Mother Simona was first notified about the accident, she praised God that no one had been killed or injured.

“The only thing I was thi nking is a van can be replaced, but the Sisters are not easy to replace,” Mother Simona said. “It’s just incredible that no one was killed and that no one even suffered any serious injuries: no broken arms or legs. And as the superior I can’t imagine what it would be like to be preparing for four funerals right now and having to call their families.”

“It’s a frightening thing and that’s why we just want to publicly give thanks to God and to the Immaculate for this because it’s just inexplicable,” she added.

The four Sisters involved in the accident are equally amazed and grateful that God’s grace and the guiding hand of the Blessed Mother spared them.

“The people who came to help us, especially the rescue workers, were so happy to see us and to see we were OK,” said Sister Maria Eucharistica. “All of the people who helped us were so concerned. It was so touching that they were worried about us.”

Sister Eucharistica said the accident happened so fast she didn’t feel anything until the van abruptly slammed into the ditch.

“I just braced myself and closed my eyes when we started to spin,” she said. “Only my head and back hurt a little afterwards. I was in the back and I guess I was the one tossed around the most.”

“I had some minor scratches on my hands,” added Claudia. “I remember I grabbed onto the steering wheel and I think that helped me from getting hurt. It all happened so quickly. I can imagine people who die in car accidents don’t even have a chance to think about it. All I could think about at the time was Our Lady.”

Mother Simona was amazed that the window on the passenger’s side of the van where Agnes was sitting didn’t break during the impact, since all the others shattered.

“We even had a guitar with us and when I took it out of the case, it was in perfect condition,” Sister Lydwine said.

Speaking of music, Sister Lydwine couldn’t resist noting the Sisters had been listening to and singing along with Marian hymns when the accident happened.

“Some of the people who stopped noticed the music was still playing inside the van,” she said, laughing.

“I remember the song that was playing as the van was flipping was ‘Sweet, Sweet Mother,’” Sister Eucharistica added, smiling. “I think Our Lady was certainly holding us in her mantel.”

Now that all the Sisters are back, safe and sound, at their New Bedford convent, their only remaining concern is finding a replacement for the van — which was totaled — to continue their apostolic work.

“That van was provided to us by the third order members of the friary in New York,” Mother Simona said. “We’re trying to look for a replacement now so we can continue this apostolate. Sometimes obstacles like this are a sign that it’s a very fruitful apostolate. I think this is a sign that we need to continue.”

Since the Franciscan Sisters take a strict vow of poverty and cannot own a ny property in common, they are hoping to raise money t o purchase another van or find someone to generously donate a vehicle for them to use.

“We rely on God’s providence for everything: from the little things to the big things,” Mother Simona said. “And we rely on the generosity of people to help us out.”

Those interested in making a donation towards a replacem ent van for the Sisters can send them to: St. Anthony of Padua Parish, 1359 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, Mass. 02746. Checks should be made payable to “St. Anthony’s Parish” with “Van Fund” in the memo line.


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Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Marion Johnson says:

    God is with us. He is and ever shall be. Go glorify Him. Offer a thanksgiving Mass to honor Him. We should always be grateful to Providence. His blessings are bountiful.

  • Ave Maria! says:

    Thanks be to God and Our Lady for the lives of these precious sisters!

  • Tnavarro61 says:

    Praised be Jesus Christ for keeping them safe! Thanks to the Blessed Mother for her prayers! I have met Klaudi online before she entered the community. So I am happy that she is safe.

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