Homily #110122 (10min) Play - Today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must turn to our Lady and ask her to intercede for the unborn.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Saturday 2nd Week of Ordinary Time - - Form:
1st: heb 9:2-3, 11-14
Resp: psa 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9
Gsp: mar 3:20-21
I think we must look within the walls of the Church, and not without, for the answer to ending the culture of death and abortion. The Church truly does seem to be dwindling down to a remnant of disciples who have not given over and been seduced by the culture of death in some way or another. We accept contraception without much of a challenge, the same for divorces and annulments that are granted in line with the spirit of the world. We jump into the mud of sexual sin, via the media, or personal activity, and again forget that He who made the eye, sees all that we do. False teachers and false prophets don’t gain God’s power, but rather, worldly power.
We march against all those who promote and practice abortion, every year, and rightfully proclaim that the killing must end. Yet, I do not think we can think the Lord will give victory to our battles until we face the truth about ourselves. We have largely been seduced by the world, the flesh, the devil, and the love of mammon, and until we in the Church clean house, I can’t imagine the Lord giving us the victory of the righteous.
Babies are being killed in the sanctuary as we know that some types of artificial contraception are not only contraceptive, but abortive. The spirit of the world, the flesh, and the devil is quite familiar and comfortable, it seems, within our homes, our parish pews, and our parish schools, and on and on. We attempt to cloak our love of mammon with the love of God. Whitewashed tombs.
His power to give victory in battle, to do works of mighty power, is not thwarted by those outside of the Church, but rather because of our own infidelity. It seems to me that all of Biblical history proves this point to be true.
I think we must look within the walls of the Church, and not without, for the answer to ending the culture of death and abortion. The Church truly does seem to be dwindling down to a remnant of disciples who have not given over and been seduced by the culture of death in some way or another. We accept contraception without much of a challenge, the same for divorces and annulments that are granted in line with the spirit of the world. We jump into the mud of sexual sin, via the media, or personal activity, and again forget that He who made the eye, sees all that we do. False teachers and false prophets don’t gain God’s power, but rather, worldly power.
We march against all those who promote and practice abortion, every year, and rightfully proclaim that the killing must end. Yet, I do not think we can think the Lord will give victory to our battles until we face the truth about ourselves. We have largely been seduced by the world, the flesh, the devil, and the love of mammon, and until we in the Church clean house, I can’t imagine the Lord giving us the victory of the righteous.
Babies are being killed in the sanctuary as we know that some types of artificial contraception are not only contraceptive, but abortive. The spirit of the world, the flesh, and the devil is quite familiar and comfortable, it seems, within our homes, our parish pews, and our parish schools, and on and on. We attempt to cloak our love of mammon with the love of God. Whitewashed tombs.
His power to give victory in battle, to do works of mighty power, is not thwarted by those outside of the Church, but rather because of our own infidelity. It seems to me that all of Biblical history proves this point to be true.
May God bless us and Mother Mary guide us.