Video – Roving Reporter #118: The Errors of Russia Spread
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Ave Maria!
Yan Bielek is a man who lived 30 years under the errors of Russia in his native country of Czechoslovakia; socialism. In socialism the government tries to control your soul.
"If people attend to my requests, Russia will be converted and the world will have peace. If not, she [Russia] will scatter her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed.
Ave Maria!

Where and when did this conference take place? It would have made for an informative homeschool class!
Ave Maria!
It was held in Pawtucket, RI on Jan 18th. Yes, I should have mentioned it on AirMaria even if it was a local event.
I’m just wondering why such events aren’t being advertised more readily to the faithful? I learned of this event 2 hours before it was scheduled to begin from Rhode Island Catholics for Life. Turn out to such events has been poorly attended because the faithful who would like to attend do not know about them. With today’s technology, I have to wonder if such lack of communication is an oversight or deliberate. I too would have really liked to have attended since I live quite nearby to the church where this talk took place.
Can the friars set up an events spot on their website to post upcoming events of interest?
I’m sympathetic to those who missed the event who might like to have attended. It was an interesting presentation. However, it is important to point out that the event was not organized by the friars, the church or anyone else in a position to launch a conspiracy of exclusivity. It was a local Knight of Columbus council. Though a small venture, it did manage to be sent down a number of e-mail lines, appear in a couple of church bulletins, hang in the church vestibules, and even garnered a couple of mentions on a local radio talk show. Pretty amazing PR for a shoot from the hip affair. I think there were about 50 people in attendance, despite a miserable January snow/ sleet event whacking the region that day. God bless the intrepid friars for making it. It really wasn’t their job to promote the event, rather it was just to come and see if any of it was useful for AirMaria. The good news is that I ‘m confident Mr Bielek will be asked to speak again sometime in our vacinity. Additionally, he has written a book that tells his story in great detail called “Just Don’t Turn Around” which I believe is available on Amazon if any of you have had your curiosity piqued by his interview on AirMaria.
Such an important topic. Thank you. I have forwarded this link to my contacts and pray others will do the same.
Warmest Regards,