Video – Conferences #106: Deacon Jack Sullivan – Miracle for Newman

By December 3, 2010January 5th, 2019Conferences, Newman-Scotus DC 2010

Views 1893

Ave Maria!

Witness Lecture for the Newman-Scotus Symposium is given by Deacon Jack Sullivan: A Personal Account of the Experience of a Miracle

He talks about Redemptive Suffering of Newman. There is much suffering in life but if we accept with trust in God, that he has our best interest in mind, then we will grow in grace. This is the "kindly light" of truth that Newman always followed in the "gathering gloom". He relates this to his own suffering that led him to pray for the intercession of venerable Newman. One day he woke with excruciating pain in his legs which turned out to be a sever restriction in his spinal cord by the physical deformation of his vertebra and disks. His Doctor said it was the worst case he had seen in seventeen years as a back specialist. Listen to Jack as he describes how one simple prayer to John Newman was able to cure him first temporarily and then permanently as he prayed a second time. He also relates other miracles that have occurred with Newman's intercession.

Ave Maria!

For more of this Symposium

For the book that is the final fruit of this Symposium:

Audio (MP3)


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