Video – Conferences #94: Scotus Newman – Dr Ford – Newman’s Reasonable Approach to Faith

By November 21, 2010January 5th, 2019Conferences, Newman-Scotus DC 2010

Views 1920

Ave Maria!

In this 1st talk of the Newman-Scotus Symposium presented by the Conventual Franciscans at the Washington Theological Union on Oct 22-24, 2010, Rev. Dr. John Ford of the Catholic University of America gives a talk titled "Newman's Reasonable Approach to Faith." Dr. Ford discusses the search of Cardinal Newman for the Via Media between the two extremes of his day, the hyper-rationalism of the Evidentialists that said reason is the only thing that is important in knowledge and the hyper-pietistic position of the Evangelicals that said faith is impenetrable to reason. He discusses how Newman sees the meeting place of these two seemingly incompatible positions is the personalist approach that shows the rational process is very personal and has many stages that lead to many different conclusions by different people even if given the same data. Dr. Ford explains how this resolution led him to the Catholic Faith and, further, what its ramifications are for evangelizing, using a car salesman analogy. This has many similarities to Scotus who was doing the same between the Franciscan Platonic tradition and the Dominican Aristotelian tradition as Dr. Noone alludes to in the question and answer period. Dr. Ford then connects these personalist concepts with Newman's motto, Cor ad cor loquitor, Heart speaks to heart.

Ave Maria!

For more of this Symposium

For the book that is the final fruit of this Symposium:


Audio (MP3)


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