Video – Face of Pro-Life #121: Friar Gabriel Cortes – Pro-life Down Under

By November 15, 2010November 10th, 2015Corinn Dahm, Face of Pro-Life, Vocations, Youth

Views 2340

Ave Maria!

Friar Gabriel Cortes continues his story from last episode where he related his conversion story. Now he covers his ministry work in the land down under, Australia. He first fills in the details of his conversion and then relates his experience of being in Toodyay and Perth, Australia for ten years. He covers his ministry with the youth where he uses his skill at skateboarding to break the ice. He has been able to start many conversations with the youth and even win the friendship of whole neighborhoods of kids. His passing out of Miraculous Medals, his trip to World Youth Day in Sidney, his trips to skate parks and many, many encounters with people of all ages.

Ave Maria!

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