Nov 06 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Holy Grief of Mary

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Homily #101106 ( 18min) Play - On this First Saturday devotional Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart of  Mary we have the Gospel account of the losing of the child Jesus on the way from Jerusalem to Nazareth and the  finding in the Temple three days later. Fr. Angelo relates how Mary and Joseph did, in fact, experience grief but they did not despair nor where they completely ignorant of the meaning of Christ's staying in the Temple contrary to modern Bible scholars. Father explains the purpose of Human knowledge as it relates to faith and to the apparitions of Mary at Fatima from whence the First Saturday Devotions come, where she tells us to offer up our suffering in reparation for the offense to her Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of our impious age.
Ave Maria! - Mass: - Readings:
1st: jud 13:17-20, 15:9
Rsp: luk 1:46-55
Gsp: luk 2:46-51

Audio (MP3)

