Nov 04 – Homily – Fr Dominic: God’s Concern for You

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Homily #101104 (13min) Play - In today's Gospel Our Lord gives us the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin where if one is lost many are left behind and great effort is exerted to find the one. We should realize then the personal concern that Jesus has for each one of us and we should also have this concern then for our neighbors. Father further points out the great evil of sin which leads souls astray and how preaching and praying for others is so important to the salvation of souls, to lead them to the sacraments.
Ave Maria! St. Charles Borromeo - Mass: OF, - Readings:
1st: phi 3:3-8
Resp: psa 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
Gsp: luk 15:1-10

Audio (MP3)

