Video – Variety #94: Bsp. Bruskewitz on Vatican II 1/5
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Elias Mills of our Bloomington, Indiana friary recently interviewed the renowned Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska on current issues of faith and Church in America. We are posting them here in a five part series. In the first part, in answering Fr. Elias questions, the bishop relates his thoughts about:
- His 50 years as a priest and bishop in the Church and all the changes and events in the time.
- His visits to shrines in Europe and Rome.
- His 19 years as Bishop of Lincoln.
- The graces that are ever needed for his office
- His work with John Paul II and Benedict XVI
- What these two papacies have done for the Church especially the continuity that they reaffirmed between the post and pre-Vatican II Church
- The Moto Proprio of Pope Benedict and how it is not at all against Vatican II
- The unlikelihood of a mixture of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the liturgy
- New English translation of the Ordinary Form of the Liturgy
- How well Catechisis has been carried out in the Post Vatican II era
- balance needed between doctrine and pastoral and social concerns
Listening to Bsp. Bruskewitz's clear insights and answers is refreshing indeed.
Ave Maria!
Audio (MP3)
Ave Maria! This is just awesome!! See below transcriptions – what a humble servant – long live His Excellence!!!
But who is “Tire de Chardan” (?) and what’s the reference to that person (?) on steroids?
Ave Maria!
10:13/13.41 “The new English translation according to, of course Liturgica Pontificam, is much much better; it’s a great improvement. The…it puts back in things that had been left out. I think it conforms to the Latin original. I think it has a measure of authenticity the other one did not have. All translation requires some subjectivity. You cannot have a perfectly objective translation of anything from one language to the other. But I think that the new translation, that should be effective in Advent 2011, will make the liturgy more clearly what it is intended to do…ah ah…to be. I think it will make the Latin more clear. It’s not…ah…Translation isn’t perfect, the new translation, but it certainly a great improvement over the one we presently have which Father…ah…brother says is nothing but Tire de Chardan on steroids.”
Ave Maria!
rebuildmychurch, That is is probably Teilhard de Chardin
Whom you might know as proposing a theology of evolution for man and the cosmos. I think the Bishop is saying that many of the previous translators are fond of Teilhardian loose interpretations and watered down theology and enshrined such a bent in their translation.